Towards collective impact in Kuwait

29 July 2019, Kuwait City: Since its launch in April 2019, the Collective Impact Coalition (CIC), developed by en.v in collaboration with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, convened over a series of four sessions, and welcomed a wide range of cross-sector stakeholders to the group. Working closely together, they defined the fundamental problems related to the education sector in Kuwait, and identified four key thematic areas that will underpin their efforts, including: 1) Educational culture, 2) Educational models, 3) Inclusivity and 4) Policy reform.

The CIC meetings alternate between area-focused and skills-focused sessions, in order to create a safe learning space and inclusive platform for participants to build a strong cross-sector network of educational practitioners, policy makers, entrepreneurs, tech innovators and student leaders from both the non-formal and formal educational spheres. We are hoping that this structure will give participants the chance to share best practices, build collaborations, strengthen programs and their reach, include new populations and share resources as well as best practices to maximize impact.

The project has generated a lot of interest, with educators and researchers from both private and public institutions asking to join the working groups. We aim to build on this momentum as we drive the process forward, and hopefully establish long-term partnerships to help sustain the project in the years to come.


Forging ahead


en.v launches pilot to promote collective impact in Kuwait